Hello Friends!
Well...it's been too long. I must say, I loved getting going on blogging this summer, but with back to school, I had to take a few weeks off. But what could be a better way to reenter the blogosphere than with a recap post for Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week 2016?!
Me Monday
This was my picture for Me Monday, which is a photo from our trip to the Grand Canyon this summer. SUCH an incredible place, and a bucket list must-do. In addition to traveling with Mr. Cronin (mostly to family homes in Maine, Prince Edward Island, and Florida...but we did get to Napa last summer for our honeymoon, and the Grand Canyon/Vegas this year!), we love golfing. It's a hobby we got into together, and it's fun to share an interest in a sport we can play for years to come.
Other things I love include cooking and baking, games (both yard and board, particularly when they get rowdy!), time with friends and family, my job (!), Boston sports, Fixer Upper, Game of Thrones, wine (my family has been making it for many years, and brought the tradition over from Italy), dark chocolate, iced coffee, the beach/ocean, and all things New England.
Teaching Tuesday
It's hard to pick one FAVORITE lesson, but this was a highlight of last year! We studied the rainforest, and it was really amazing watching the kids document their learning. We took notes in our rainforest notebooks, but we also created these rainforest posters, which have highlighter tape marking off the different layers of the forest. As the kids added each layer, they also included flaps for 2–3 plants or animals that live in that layer, and labeled them with their names and a fact about them. It was such a great unit for kids to learn to use a book's index, as they were constantly wanting to find a picture to help draw the animal they were adding in. The finished products were beautiful!
Where I Work Wednesday
Our Open House is on Thursday, so I haven't officially done a classroom reveal since I hope to put a few finishing touches on the space this week! However, this is a pretty accurate picture of what my room usually looks like. It was wonderful to be in the same space for two years in a row (this is my first time NOT switching rooms!), and gave me the opportunity to polish the space rather than completely reinvent it. I moved one of my rainbow tables and switched up my word walls, got rid of my teacher desk, and adjusted spacing, but overall things remained very similar to last year's setup. I did add some great decor items from Schoolgirl Style, and hope to make some more additions soon. :)
Threads Thursday
Well, I must admit: I'm no fashionista. With teaching, I think professional-looking comfort is paramount! For me, the easiest place to get that is Ann Taylor Loft. Great sales, lots of coupons, a teacher discount, and cute, durable clothes? I'm sold.
In terms of accessories, it's earrings and rings daily, often a necklace, and often my Alex and Ani bracelets. I'm originally from Rhode Island, which only makes me love them more! For shoes, I'm a flats gal; the wedges I'm wearing in this photo are low and super comfortable, though. I love Sperry, Cole Haan, Franco Sarto, and Golukai.
Friends Friday
I would love to post pictures of all of my wonderful friends, but I also want to respect their privacy. :) I am blessed with many amazing friends, from my childhood, high school years, college (hence the elephant—our mascot is Jumbo), and multiple teaching jobs, most recently at my current school (hence the lion). I very much struggle with change, but the quote I've included here is one that I love when I'm feeling down about not seeing my friends as often as I'd like. I've been playing phone tag with one of my very close friends who lives in New Jersey for over a week now; despite not being able to talk, it was wonderful to know she was thinking of me (and vice versa!) as we both tackled those busy first couple weeks of school. We were able to chat for a while today, and it was a timely reminder of how lucky I am to have such caring friends!
I hope you had a wonderful teacher week—hop on to meet other amazing teachers!
Happy Teaching!